最后更新于2023年3月22日(星期三)18:26:18 GMT

Each March, we reflect on the historical accomplishments and ongoing need to support women. 这, 当然, 应该拥抱一年中的所有12个月吗, 但是妇女历史月给了我们一个特殊的学习机会, 庆祝, 放大女性的声音.

在Rapid7, we’re shining a light on women's voices all month long with special events and panel discussions, 同时再次承诺持续一整年的努力. 以下是我们国际妇女节小组的一些亮点, 专注于股权, 包容, 以及在工作场所的倡导.


今年的讨论重点是公平和平等之间的区别. 虽然历史上的重点是创造平等的机会, 有人认为,把重点放在公平的政策上更有效, as it takes into account the advantages and disadvantages of each individual’s circumstance.

“如果我们想推动公平的过程,创造一个平等的竞争环境, we need to recognize the advantages and disadvantages that are out there today, 并解决这些问题,劳拉·埃利斯说, Rapid7数据工程和平台分析副总裁.

Creating equitable processes requires a dedicated effort and requires us to lean into hard conversations to address common stigmas. 如果组织致力于创造公平的政策和实践, having a culture that supports safe spaces is essential in getting to the most impactful solutions.

“Safety comes easy for a lot of our dominant groups or leaders with a certain title—but we should be aware that it’s not always there for our non-dominant groups,南希·李说, 工程总监. “愿意尝试不同的论坛,让人们发表意见. 你最响亮的声音并不总是代表整个人群.”

So, what are some practices that we can take into the workplace to help create more equitable workplaces? 以下是讨论中的一些附加内容.

  1. 有意发展你的团队. 如果你是招聘经理, 或者在一个影响招聘的职位上, slow down and partner with your Talent Acquisition team to ensure you’re seeking out a diverse candidate pool right from the start. 询问他们在哪里寻找人才, 他们历来与哪些学校和大学合作, and see if there are opportunities to incorporate more diversity into the talent pipeline. It doesn’t stop once someone gets hired either—mentoring and providing support can help them gain the skills necessary to continue to advance their careers. 打造多维度团队, and be open to the ways that each member’s different experiences can help fuel the innovation and creativity of the team.
  2. 为彼此挺身而出. Many women on the panel shared experiences of when another woman or a male ally stood up for them in the moment. What was shared was that once you feel the support of someone standing up for you by pointing out something that wasn’t right, it makes that person feel even more comfortable passing that support on and standing up for someone else. 正如一位小组成员所说, “After an upstander demonstrates how you should be treated—what a difference it makes in your confidence, 还有你为别人挺身而出的能力,并把这种能力传递出去. 拥抱它,然后把它传递下去,用它来支持别人.”
  3. 认识到进展是脆弱的——我们不能失去重点. 虽然女性在工作场所取得了重大进步, COVID-19大流行表明,这一进展是多么脆弱, 尤其是当许多女性仍然承受着照顾孩子的压力时. While panelists observed progress being made and the gender diversity of the teams around them, 他们还指出,大流行后, 许多离开职场的女性至今仍未重返职场. 事实上, 美国劳工部在大流行后两年多的时间里报告了这一点, women’s labor participation is still a full percentage point lower than what it was pre-pandemic. 这意味着大约有100万妇女从劳动力大军中消失. Flexible working policies provide a way to ensure that employees are able to balance their personal commitments and caregiving responsibilities with their work responsibilities. Offering this flexibility to both men and women in the workplace takes this one step further, 有人指出,即使是不完全针对妇女的政策, have the ability to impact women elsewhere as families are able to share responsibilities more equally.
  4. 我们都有冒名顶替综合症. Imposter syndrome isn’t something that is limited to a specific pay band or job level. 我们始终是自己最严厉的批评者, and can sometimes feel like there is “someone else” who should be taking advantage of an opportunity or stepping up to take on a leadership role. 为了对抗冒名顶替综合症,  the panel recommended  looking around the room to determine where your skills can add value, 而且不害怕分享. It was also mentioned that many women are quick to brush off compliments when they are recognized for their work. 然而, 要想有人不辞辛劳地赞美你,你需要付出很大的努力, 当这种情况发生时, 融入其中,倾听积极的反馈. Those moments can really make an impact on what you believe you are capable of, 让你更容易克服冒名顶替综合症的感觉. 最后, the group stressed the importance of leveraging the resources available to you through your employer, 无论是获得治疗服务还是员工援助计划. Sometimes the key to overcoming imposter syndrome is having someone help us reframe the situation, 改变我们的观点. There's no shame in speaking with someone who is trained to help us navigate all stages of life and career.
  5. 用你的声音说话. 即使它摇晃. 为更公平的世界铺平道路, 事情不会一直都很容易或舒适. 继续大声疾呼,大声疾呼——为你自己,也为他人.

这次小组讨论于3月8日举行, and through the month our Women Impact Group will continue to partner with the business to host open and honest conversations and opportunities for reflection and education. 这 includes an allyship training session hosted by both our Women’s Impact Group and our PRIDE Impact Group, 与来自 的事件.

在我们的内部沟通渠道, we’re spotlighting women in our organization who are making a considerable impact on our business and customers, shining an extra spotlight on the work and accomplishments of our own women at Rapid7. 在炉边聊天, “庆祝女性的声音”, leaders shared their own experiences in the workplace and the importance of sharing our journeys and building each other up. 从为人父母的挑战到为自己和他人辩护, 到自我怀疑的时刻, these personal stories are shared to emphasize the importance of hard conversations and navigating challenges.

While we remain committed to uplifting the voices and representation of women in our industry throughout the year, we’re proud to have our Rapid Impact Groups driving these events in March that spark important conversations and provide real resources and opportunities for connection and community for our people.

点击这里 to learn more about our Rapid Impact Groups, and our ongoing commitment to diversity at Rapid7.