Last updated at Fri, 14 Apr 2023 15:50:06 GMT

Welcome back to 7 Rapid Questions, 在我们的博客系列中,我们邀请了Rapid7充满激情的领导者,让我们深入了解在他们的团队中工作是什么样的, and how they’re creating an impact every day.

In this installment, we talk to Lindsey Searle, Senior Manager, Customer Advisors on how her team helps solve customer challenges, and how candidates can stand out in the interview process.


随着黑客的不断进步,安全领域每天都在发展. 许多客户团队发现自己不堪重负,需要更多的定制服务来保持领先地位, and that’s where we can help support.

Our team is the face of Rapid7 for Managed Services customers. 我们为各种类型和规模的客户提供咨询服务,并在其安全成熟度旅程的各个阶段提供咨询服务. 客户顾问团队与安全运营中心(SOC)密切合作,监控客户的范围内环境,并提供定制的指导,以增强其安全状态. 我们的许多客户认为我们是他们内部安全团队的延伸, 我们努力与他们每一个人建立紧密的工作关系和信任.

In addition to day to day monitoring, 我们的客户顾问与我们的客户合作,了解他们的安全目标, make recommendations to achieve those goals, 并亲自投入到这些计划的完成中.

What does your team look like (team size, types of teams etc.), what growth has there been?

Rapid7的客户顾问团队去年增长了30%,我们在2022年为团队增加了35名新成员, including Advisors at all levels, four new managers, and a Vice President.

Our team is composed of all levels of security professionals, 从职业生涯初期的助理注册会计师到终身首席顾问和首席顾问. We have CAs supporting all three branches of Managed Services, and our teams are blended across Managed Detection and Response (MDR), Managed Vulnerability Management (MVM), 和托管应用程序安全(MAS),以允许跨职能协作和学习.

幸运的是,随着托管服务业务的增长,我们正处于一个有利的位置, our Customer Advisor team has continued to expand, as it is a standard part of the service offering.


当我面试候选人时,我总是发现很难描述Rapid7的文化,因为你必须亲眼看到才能理解和相信它. 最根本的事实是,所有Rapid7员工都对安全充满热情——我们在这里是因为我们想帮助我们的客户取得成功, and we truly enjoy working together for that common goal.

At the same time, 每个人都是独一无二的,毫不犹豫地把自己的观点带到桌面上. We have a great balance of external hires bringing in fresh ideas, 当你在另一边工作时,内部招聘也会为你提供不同的解决方案.

What 3 biggest things have you learned in your time at Rapid7?

One: Take the time to thank people for helping you out! 我们在rapid7做“吉他挑选”,这是一个内部网站,在那里你可以给其他驼鹿一个虚拟的荣誉和认可, whether it be for a great presentation they gave, or for filling in for you on an assignment, or for just being awesome. 公司里的每个人都可以看到它,收件人也会收到收到的通知. Sending a pick takes minutes but can make someone’s day! 我们的首席人事官每天早上挑选一个吉他拨片提交并发送给整个公司. It’s a quick and meaningful way to thank those around us.


三:Slack的表情符号几乎适用于任何情况,如果不存在,那就自己做一个! In fact, our recent Slack migration took longer than expected due to the 10,000+ custom emojis that Rapid7 employees have created. 我们的核心价值观之一是“带来你”,所以这只是一个例子,说明人们如何以不同的方式创造性地表达自己,并在全球分布的组织中建立同志情谊.

How does Rapid7 set you up for success in your role?

当我在2021年底亲自体验Rapid7提供的企业入职培训时,我对它印象深刻. 那一周,你和所有新员工一起参加了入职培训,在你来公司的头几个小时里,你就已经开始建立人际网络了.

Rapid7非常鼓励“洞察咖啡”——与另一名Rapid7员工进行30分钟的非正式会议,从个人和专业层面了解他们. 这些联系会伴随你度过你在这里的时光,并且只会增强你今后一起工作的能力.

我们的公司文化是建立在互相帮助和团队合作的基础上的, which puts you in a great spot to be successful in your role.

What can a candidate do to stand out in the interview process?

Honestly, 做你自己——bring You是Rapid7的核心价值观,也是我们与其他公司的区别所在. 在Rapid7的面试过程中,寻找能够接受我们的合作文化并乐于分享想法的人是一个重要环节. 这些软技能与之前的工作经验和技术能力一样重要. 你的个性会让你从其他候选人中脱颖而出,所以让真实的自己闪耀吧!

What advice would you give someone thinking about coming to work here?

Bring energy and enthusiasm, 花点时间和你的同事建立有意义的关系. 当你期待着与你的团队成员和客户互动时,醒来并登录一天会容易得多. 在Rapid7,我们的核心价值观是“共同影响”——团队合作让梦想成真! 当我们一起工作时,我们成功的机会要比我们单打独斗时大得多.