
4 min IT Ops

REST API:一点cURL和一些Python

Here at Logentries [http://logentries.com/centralize-log-data-automatically/?le_trial=rest_api_curl_and_python-logentries_blog-post_cta-create_trial&utm_campaign = rest_api_curl_and_python&utm_source = logentries_blog&utm_medium=post_cta&utm_content = create_trial] work has been going for sometime in bringing to our customers a powerful and flexible REST API [/2014/09/the-abcs-of-rest/] service for interaction with their log data. 这项工作从REST查询API开始 [/2016/05/now-availab

3 min IT Ops


There is simply no substitute for a recent, accurate backup when it comes to 从文件或系统损坏或中断中恢复. 但备份必须是 完整和无错误,使完全恢复成为可能. That’s why inspecting log files from backups is a critical and important step in verifying their accuracy or coverage, and a necessary check before performing a restore that 将任何备份映像或文件转换为生产状态. Your backup logs [http://logentries.com/centralize-log

5 min IT Ops


In my consultancy practice, one of the things that I do most frequently is help 团队编写所谓的“干净代码”.“通常,这是围绕测试驱动的 development (TDD) and writing code that is easily maintained via regression 测试和无风险重构.  团队想要了解如何做到这一点,并且 how to do it in their production code (as opposed to in some kind of toy “let’s 制作计算器(练习). One of the most prominent, early sticking points that rears its head tend

6 min IT Ops


这篇客座文章最初出现在IBM developerWorks上 [http://developer.ibm.com/recipes/tutorials/rsyslog-tcpip-log-forwarding-to-logentries-with-netscaler/] . Overview The aim of the article is to cover technical areas on how to load balance Rsyslog TCP/IP traffic from Redhat Server to Logentries (a third party solutions for real time log management, monitoring and analytics) and configuration used for load balancing network traffic flow between the connected servers. Majority of virtu

3 min IT Ops

Introducing LEQL: LIMIT

The Logentries query language, also known as LEQL, offers a very expressive way to query log data. 如果您不熟悉LEQL,您可以得到一个很好的概述 from one of our previous blog posts here [/2015/06/introducing-leql/]. Today we’re excited to announce the latest extension of LEQL’s capabilities – Limit. If you want to skip reading about this and just go try it out for yourself then 转到LEQL Querybuilder中的高级视图 [http://docs.logentries.com/docs/search # section-leq

5 min IT Ops


What is Leexportpy? Leexportpy [http://github.Com/logentries/leexportpy]是一个灵活的和 extensible Python application that enables log search results to be easily exported to third party services such as Geckoboard and HostedGraphite. The 应用程序利用Logentries REST API [/2016/05/now-available-rest-query-api/] providing you with the ability to easily create queries on any of your log data, transform the results to the data 第三方服务和推送传输所需的格式

9 min IT Ops


UPDATE POSTED 12.12.21:如果您正在使用Log4j,请注意在12月 2021年10月10日,Apache发布 [http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/security.html#Fixed_in_Log4j_2.15.0] version 2.15.0 of their Log4j framework, which included a fix for CVE-2021-44228 [http://attackerkb./ topics/in9spr2bzt/cve -2021-44228],一个关键的(CVSSv3) 10) remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability affecting Apache Log4j 2.14.1 and earlier versions. 这是一个严重的漏洞,我们强烈建议您这样做

4 min IT Ops


There are many possible definitions for the term “security policy,” but all of 它们有一些共同的元素. 安全策略应该列出什么 assets, both physical and digital, an organization wishes to protect. It should 解释什么是安全,什么是行为安全. In short, a security policy identifies what assets are to be protected, what kinds of risks such protection is meant to defeat or mitigate, and how security can be established, measured, and monitored. A

6 min IT Ops


One of the absolute, classic pieces of advice that you’ll hear when it comes to logging is what I think of as the iconic Goldilocks logging advice.  It goes something like this. When it comes to logging, you don’t want to miss anything important because 日志记录帮助您理解应用程序的行为.  But youalsodon’t want to log too much.  如果日志记录太多,日志将变得无用.  You want to log just the right amount. 当然,这是明智的建议.  Right? 或者,当你停下来的时候

20 min IT Ops

SSH from the ground up

If you work professionally in the IT industry, chances are you’ve been using OpenSSH为您的日常工作提供了很长一段时间. OpenSSH however provides so much more than “just” remote shell on *nix system (显然在Windows上也是如此[http://github].com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH)太 now!) and in this article we’re going to explore some of the non immediate uses of ssh and introduce a few 辅助工具使SSH的使用变得更好. 示例的约定 我们需要设置一些项

4 min IT Ops


At some point many applications get to a state in which a large refactoring or 在某些情况下,需要进行完全的重写. 这样做的决定可以是 driven by many factors. 例如,代码库正在快速增长 current architecture cannot support the growth, components are becoming too tightly coupled and need to be split, new and better technology becomes available which offers significant improvements or due to other factors the 当前的代码库没有得到维护

3 min IT Ops


Our webinar [http://info.logentries.com/tableau - pluralsight logentries研讨会- 2016] broadcasted & 记录于2016年6月16日. 在此期间播放Tableau Zen Master Mike Roberts of Pluralsight discussed how to develop a simple technology 堆栈用于使用logentry的下一代Tableau管理 [http://logentries.com/centralize-log-data-automatically/?le_trial=tableau_webinar_june16_recap-logentries_blog-post_cta-create_trial&utm_campaign = tableau_webinar_june16_recap&utm_source=logentr

11 min IT Ops

Monitoring SNS Activity Using a Lambda Function and Logentries

Amazon Web Services Lambda函数非常酷. A Lambda function is a feature in Amazon Web Services that allows you to put a discrete piece of computing logic up in The Cloud and then access that logic to meet a particular need. For example, you can create a Lambda function that takes a list of stock symbols and does some analysis on the list using other cloud based services in 为了建议最好的股票购买. Logentries发挥了Lambda函数的强大功能 [http://docs.logentrie

3 min IT Ops

Checking Active Directory (AD) Security and Integrity via Log Monitoring

Because AD literally holds the keys to the kingdom for domain-based networks and runtime environments, it’s usually a good idea to keep a close eye on those keys, how they’re being used and what kinds of attacks might be directed at them. Monitoring AD related event logs provides one great tool in exercising due 安全诚信勤奋. 对特定的高影响事件进行警报 provides yet another. For over two decades now, Microsoft’s Active Directory (AD) has provided a powerful set

3 min IT Ops

Exploiting Zookeeper for managing processes in a production environment with Lockex

Lock and execute! 作为logentry的工程师 [http://logentries.com/centralize-log-data-automatically/?le_trial=exploiting_zookeeper-logentries_blog-post_cta-create_trial&utm_campaign = exploiting_zookeeper&utm_source = logentries_blog&utm_medium=post_cta&utm_content = create_trial] I need to maintain a complex system that has requirements for being available to our customers. 我们总是构建具有抵抗能力的系统 failure. 在我们的环境中,我们有过程和dae